Thursday, April 30, 2009

The "I" in me, my friend, dwells in the house of silence....

My friend, I am not what I seem. Seeming is but a garment I wear--a
care-woven garment that protects me from your questionings and you
from my negligence.

The "I" in me, my friend, dwells in the house of silence, and
therein it shall remain for ever more, unperceived, unapproachable.

I would not have you believe in what I say nor trust in what I
do--for my words are nothing but your own thoughts in sound and my
deeds your own hopes in action.

When you say, "The wind blows eastward," I say, "Yes it does
blow eastward"; for I would not have you know that my mind does
not dwell upon the wind but upon the sea.

You cannot understand my seafaring thoughts, nor would I have
you understand. I would be at sea alone.

When it is day with you, my friend, it is night with me; yet even
then I speak of the noontide that dances upon the hills and of
the purple shadow that steals its way across the valley; for you
cannot hear the songs of my darkness nor see my wings beating
against the stars--and I fain would not have you hear or see. I
would be with night alone.

When you ascend to your "Heaven" I descend to my "Hell"--even then
you call to me across the unbridgeable gulf, "My companion, my
comrade," and I call back to you, "My comrade, my companion"--for
I would not have you see my Hell. The flame would burn thy eyesight
and the smoke would crowd your nostrils. And I love my Hell too well
to have you visit it. I would be in Hell alone.

You love Truth and Beauty and Righteousness; and I for your sake
say it is well and seem to love these things. But in my heart
I laugh at your love. Yet I would not have you see my laughter.
I would laugh alone.

My friend, you art good and cautious and wise; nay, you are
perfect--and I, too, speak with you wisely and cautiously. And
yet I am mad. But I mask my madness. I would be mad alone.

My friend, you are not my friend, but how shall I make you
understand? My path is not your path, yet together we walk, hand
in hand.

by Khalil Gibran

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I wish....

wishes people would stop pointing fingers
wishes people would appreciate love and care a little more
wishes I could live in a world where I dont have to constantly defend myself
hopes I can let go and focus on the the positive
hopes the negative will dissapear...
hopes my smile will come back...

Wants a holiday away from people who cry about the stench of burnt bread..
Wants to be closer to my mom, sisters and family!
Wishes for one day that his scowl would turn into a smile.
Wishes that people would follow their own common sense, instead of blindly following what’s in the books.
Hopes that I will feel happier tomorrow.
Feels a strong dislike against some Dutch people.
Is head over heels INFATUATED BY MY KIDS!!!!

thinks people who have Radical Racist thoughts against others and who are not capable of using their common sense, but choose to be brainwashed by their social circle, should be banned off the face of the earth and prevented from contaminating others thoughts!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

spiritually right and

When two people are loving each other, they don't necessarily look to each other for fulfillment. Rather, they find themselves looking in the same direction for their fulfillment. That's the key.

Look to the Spirit for your fulfillment. Look to your Self for your fulfillment.

When two people do this, they turn to look at each other and see the fullness they both express, and the loving of each other enhances and amplifies their fullness. Then they can't seem to do anything wrong. Everything they do becomes spiritually right and perfect.

Friday, April 17, 2009

What women do!

God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED.
To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you
into the person you were meant
to be.

Women have strengths that amaze men.

They bear hardships and they carry burdens,

but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.

They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are happy

and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.

They stand up to injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer

when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without so their family can have.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.

They cry when their children excel

and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about

a birth or a wedding.

Their hearts break when a friend dies.

They grieve at the loss of a family member,

yet they are strong when they

think there is no strength left.

They know that a hug and a kiss

can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you

to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what

makes the world keep turning.

They bring joy, hope and love.

They have compassion and ideas.

They give moral support to their

family and friends.

Women have vital things to say

and everything to give.