Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The gift and the giver...

You can compete or cooperate,
stuff or flow,
withdraw or nurture,
withhold or share,
ignore or care.

On the other side of your emotional needs is the essence of love -- not as a piece of candy that someone out there can give and take away, but as you, which no individual can take away.

You become the gift and the giver.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I guess I’m their soldier. Well, who’s gonna be mine.....


I lay alone awake at night
Sorrow fills my eyes
But I’m not strong enough to cry
Despite of my disguise
I’m left with no shoulder
But everyone wants to lean on me.
I guess I’m their soldier.
Well, who’s gonna be mine

Who’s there to save the hero
When she’s left all alone
And she’s crying out for help.
Who’s there to save the hero
Who’s there to save the girl…
After she saves the world
After she saves the world.

I bottle all my hurt inside,
I guess I’m living a lie.
Inside my mind each day I die
What can bring me back to life?
A simple word, a gesture
Someone to say you’re beautiful
Come find this buried treasure
Rainbows lead to a pot of gold.

Who’s there to save the hero
When she’s left all alone
And she’s crying out for help
Who’s there to save the hero
Who’s there to save the girl
After she saves the world…
After she saves the world.

I’ve given too much of myself
And now it’s driving me crazy
(I’m crying out for help?
Sometimes I wish someone would
Just come here and save me…
Save me from myself

Who’s there to save the hero
When she’s left all alone
And she’s crying out for help
Who’s there to save the hero
Who’s there to save the girl
After she saves the world…
After she saves the world.

Friday, March 20, 2009

This is it... life!

A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.

this is it, life..love it! You have no other choice, do we?

Become a hunter of blessings, actively seeking them out in every experience and person you encounter.

Friday, March 13, 2009


We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace within ourselves.
~Dalai Lama~

My Heros- Viva Palestina- Lifeline from Britain to Gaza

For more reading: http://www.vivapalestina.org/

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

beautiful prayer

A person once asked the Prophet Muhammad to pray for him.

So the Prophet implored, "O God, kindle within his heart the light of faith, and afford him with the courage to avert earthly wiles and submit himself before Your will."

When a person turns away from the world, he adheres to God, and God lavishes incredible bounty on him.

Amen! :-)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What truth brings.....

Give up what appears to be doubtful for what is certain. Truth brings peace of mind, and deception doubt.

-The Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Focusing on your breathing...

No matter what is going on in your life, you can always take a moment to focus on your breathing. When you find yourself in a tense situation, for example, you may notice that you are holding your breath. Putting your attention on your breathing can help you relax and immediately be in the here and now. This practice, found in many spiritual traditions, is often referred to as mindfulness, being present, or living in the now.

You may ask, since we're breathing all the time, why do we need to practice it? What we're practicing is conscious awareness of the breath. Then breathing becomes a concentration exercise that not only focuses the mind but brings many healing benefits as well.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Whatever happens is ok....

Your Inner Spirit will use you when you clear yourself to allow it to flow into your consciousness and out into the other levels. When you're not sure what to do in a certain situation, you can just ask for Light "for the highest good of all concerned," and your inner spirit can then flow through you in whatever way is clear. You then walk in a divine consciousness that says,
"Whatever happens is okay."